Sunday, March 23, 2008

Silly Keyboard Tricks

Finally took some time to explore the features on the new Casio PX200 keyboard this evening. It has a recording feature, so tried that out and saving it to an SD card. Unfortunately it saves files either as midi or casio proprietory format. :( why no mp3? Oh well, here's the 30 sec sample I saved in midi format -- it's a Bach Marche piece I'm working on.

Then checked out the score book that came with the system. It has 60 built-in classical tunes, graded easy, moderate and difficult. Tried out the old easy standby -- Bach Minuet in G, slowed down the tempo, turned on the left hand only, the right hand only, and played along. Pretty nifty tool for learning a piece. Supposedly you can import midi tunes into the keyboard as well.

Hooked up the sustain pedal and it appears to work. Manuals says if one wants a damper pedal, one would have to buy an extra pedal. Something I doubt I would need.

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