Huh? My word doc decided to erase one recipient and double up on another. Neither I nor my husband who mailed the envelopes noticed the dupe. Happily, I saved the doc so I was able to sleuth who was left out. So created yet another card tonight which I'll mail out next week. Here's all fifteen cards in digital format.

I love these. Do you primarily work from photos for your inspiration, or are they pulled from personal experience or the collective unconscious?
I used photos as a reference and then make changes as it suits me to color, background, clothing, hair styles, adding or removing, etc. It's like cooking from a recipe. I can't help but make changes as I go along.
These are beautiful!
Whoa. Wow. At the risk of sounding like an "arty" git, these are really evocative. I have a deck of Tarot cards that I bought because one picture really drew me in just like these. Next time we have a lesson, I will insist on bartering for some of your sketches. :)
Wow, these are absolutely gorgeous! You really put your heart into these, and the results are beautiful!
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