Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Happy Farmer, Not!

Back to see R after several months away.  Chamber music class had kept me pretty busy working on stupendously hard stuff like Schumann.  I still hadn't memorized "The Happy Farmer" in Suzuki Cello Book I.  

R reduced me to working on only two measures of the piece.  Since I don't have chamber music class until September he thought it would be a good time to work on my technique.


gottagopractice said...

I sure hope the cello version of The Happy Farmer is more fun than the piano version. I'm not sure why, but I really detest that piece.

Maricello said...

I brought "The Happy Farmer" to work on at Summerkeys (summer music camp in Maine) at the end of my first year of cello lessons. I was having a lot of trouble with the bowings, and one of the teachers was getting very frustrated with me. I did finally get it, memorized and all, during a lesson. Not during the recital w/piano though, but we were all relieved that I got it that one time!

Good luck.