Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Still More Flowers of Edinburgh

Maricello inspired me again.

Day 84 (12th week) - Video of my attempt to play this morning from memory the Scottish Reel "Flowers of Edinburgh". I decided to do it "song style". Usual problems with bowing and intonation.

Anyway, I'm off to Baltimore tomorrow morn, and then its full-time school after Labor Day. Whee...

Boring stats:
8/13M - Read Schroeder 17, Scales A F#m, Bow exercises
8/14T - Day off for no good reason. Too much accounting work.
8/15W - Schroeder 18, Scales D, Bm, Bow exercises
8/16R - Scales C G D A, F, Bflat, Eflat, Bow exercises, Vibrato & Trill exercises
8/17F - Scales C G D A, F, Bflat, Eflat, Bow exercises
8/18S - Day off for no good reason. Too hot and humid.
8/19U - Schroeder 19, Scales C G D A, Em, Bow exercises
8/20M - Review old pieces, Schroeder 20, Bow exercises
8/21T - Schroeder 20, Bow exercises
8/22W - Work up "Flowers"

Bow exercises consist on full bow verbalizations -- Papa, mama, lala, tata, Pepe, Meme, Lele, tete, Pipi, mimi, lili, titi, Popo, momo, lolo, toto, Pupu, mumu, lulu, tutu. All on one bow 4 stops, Frog 4x full bow Tip 4x, Silent bow exercises 20x each per string. Suzuki rhythms.

1 comment:

Maricello said...

Great start on Flowers. One of these days, I'll post a version of it in the dotted rhythm, as I am working on it in that form with a fiddler friend. I do like the "song style" and played it that way tonight with the fiddlers, who are, fortunately flexible about how they play it.