Monday, June 16, 2008

Practice Week #39

Boring stats - 7 days (Sunday 6/8- Saturday 6/14)

Bow exercises 5
Bach Minuets 2
Swan 2
Thumb 2
Vibrato 3
Trill 2
Suzuki 2
Sight reading 1

KB Hanon 4
KB Marche 3
KB Scales 2
It's a start -- at least I did the 20 minutes of bowing exercises 5 times this past week. I was hoping to make it up to the Academy last Saturday. Despite traffic being light thanks to the gasoline prices, the powers-that-be decided to block all traffic lanes except one heading northbound. Decided that I'd be best off running errands instead of sitting in traffic for two hours and headed southbound.

Life's starting to get back to normal. Have to focus and try get some client work done this week. Found some new lovely distractions. Discovered online zynga free poker texas holdem. Very addictive. Will have to limit myself to playing only once or twice a week. Tried out Netflix's online streaming video today. The technology seems promising. I hooked up my laptop to our 26" TV and the video quality is similar to VHS. I've been dreaming of downloadable movies on demand ever since broadband first arrived.

Summer movies have begun. Managed to catch "The Visitor" (worthwhile), "Indiana Jones" (good for 10 yr olds) and "Iron Man" (extremely good for a comic book movie) while I was in Baltimore. Hubby wanted to see "The Happenning" yesterday. He thought it was well done but it left me dissatisfied. I've always liked M. Night's Shyamalan's movies but thought this one to be his weakest.

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