Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sleep, Strings and Back to School Too

Thanks for the string advice. I drove yesterday to my local music store and got a spare "D" while I await my customized tele-order courtesy of G's "Ellen". My regional cello friend also uses the Larson A & D and the Helio/Spiro C & G combo.

Yesterday was my first day of classes starting with keyboard at 8am, then Music History I, Psychology and Human Growth & Development. Adding an online Music History II, and Chamber Music gives me a full-time student load this semester.

I had to take two social sciences to fulfill BA requirements as my CLEP scores from 22 years ago were just a tad too old. CLEP transcripts only go back 20 years.

I was so tired, I went to bed at 5:30 pm and slept until 7 am. I don't do well on less than 7 hours of sleep and I had had two nights running at 5-6 hrs between a late night air flight, pre-class excitement, and early morning classes.

Had work today and so spent this evening on my online Music History of the Western World, part II besides trying to find the cheapest textbooks or e-books available online for my various courses.

Luckily I don't have to be at class until 9 am tomorrow.


Maricello said...

Wow, you are really going back to school. Good luck with your course load. It sounds both stimulating and exhausting! When you have time, tell us how chamber music goes with a full set of strings.

CelloGeek said...

I was exhausted after reading about your day! Your courses sound really interesting. I hope you have the time to enjoy all of your activities! and good luck with the strings!

CelloGirl said...

I'm envious of your course schedule. Sounds fun!!!

cellodonna said...

I'm envious of your course schedule too, but even more envious of the fact that you could stay asleep.

Good luck with all the classes.