Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Bed vs. Cello. The Cello Won.

Ha, I bet you thought this post was about not getting enough sleep due to practicing the cello. Nope, sorry to disappoint you.

Let's start from the beginning. A few months ago, my cello lost the rubber protector on the end pin. The plastic cap just disintegrated away one day.

I have a habit of lying the cello on the bed between practice sessions.
One night my husband was complaining about sharing the bed with the cello. So I picked it up and tossed it back on the bed just to spite (spike?) him.

Not smart. You see, we have an air mattress. Or rather, had an air mattress.


Emily said...

Oh no! There was something in the air. The same day, my Nike "Air" sneaker exploded with a *BAM!*. When I first got this current cello, I had a lesser case, and I too, laid it on the bed. More than once I walked into a darkened bedroom and scared the crap out of myself, thinking there was something in my bed!

How are you? I still recall our brief lesson and wonderful dinner. :)

gottagopractice said...

That is hilarious. Tragic, but hilarious.

MMG said...

Hi Emily. Keeping busy. Not so much cello-ing these days as doing a lot of substitute teaching at the local magnet school.

GGP: I thought it was also funny. Hubby was appalled that I would admit to it on my blog :)