Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Helping the Economy

I seem to run against society's trends. Now that folks are busy saving their money in anticipation of doomsday, I've been spending like water the past two days. Sunday was a shopping trip via Amazon to buy a pair of folding scissors and some other stuff I've had on my wish list for months. Yesterday I splurged on a pair of shoes. I'm a one-shoe trick pony. I have a certain style I like and I tend to wear one pair of shoes to death. I threw out my last pair when I tripped in them a couple of weeks ago. You see, the soles were starting to come undone. Guess I shouldn't complain those shoes probably lasted over 4 years.

On the cello frontier, I had a chance to play the first movement of the Breval for the chamber music teacher last night. He thought I should perform it this term and assigned the piano part to another one of his students.

1 comment:

Maricello said...

Wow, I am impressed with your shoe longevity. I have been thinking of buying a new pair myself because I have been wearing the same pair, every day, since October 25. They are lined in fuzzy furry stuff, and spring is, theoretically, coming. After yesterday's snowstorm, though, I guess I will keep wearing them til I switch to my fashion-free Crocs for the summer. :-)

Good luck with Breval!