Sunday, December 28, 2008

Countdown 37 and Boring Stats

Cello practice weeks 44-48 (out of 35 days)
57% Minuets 20
54% Bow exercises 19
28% Lully 10
22% Left hand exercises 8
20% Thumb 7
20% Book I exercises 7
20% Bouree 7
14% Brevel 5

Started using timer

Week 46: 4 hrs
Week 47: 2 hrs
Week 48: 4 hrs
Humanities Studies
Philosophy: Ideas that Shaped Mankind
Lecture 7 Age of Sages
Religion - Ideas of Creation, Matter arising from pure thought, One Universal G-d, Divine Love, Man as Master of the World

Lecture 8 Ideas about Religion
.William of Ockham 14c - denounces advocates of reason for forcing G-d's behavior into channels permitted by logic "necessitarianism" /
.St. Augustine of Hippo (4c) Mysticism - Doctrine of Illumination

Lecture 9 Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution
.The Columbian Exchange - separated continents are re-seeded with plants, animals, etc. carried with people across the oceans.
.Hermes Trismegistus (Greek patron of magic) Hermetism - humans could do magic and influence nature - alchemists, magicians, hermetists.
.Sir Francis Bacon (scientific method - experiments and observations with consistent results).
.Rene Descartes (rationalist tradition -- I doubt,therefore I exist) People believe in their own realities but deny the reality of everything else.
.Niccolo Machiavelli - The Prince "The State exists only for its own ends"
.Bartolome de las Casas Dominican Friar (16th c)- mankind as a single moral community -- the family of man: Universality of mankind.
.Hugo Grotius - doctrine of international law and state sovereignty

Literature: Harlem Renaissance Tie-together
Nicolas Vachel Lindsay (The Congo/Prairie Troubadour) claims to have discovered
Langston Hughes (Soul is a River / Dream Deferred)
Lorraine Hansberry's play - "A Raisin in the Sun" about an African American family in Chicago.

Literature: Poetry Devices

consists of two stressed syllables one after the other, as in the first two syllables of “ripe apples.”

Iambic pentameter
consists of ten-syllable lines in which unstressed syllables are followed by stressed syllables in a regular pattern.

, the repetition of consonant sounds

, the repetition of vowel sounds

, in which a pause or caesura occurs naturally in the middle of a line rather than at the end.

, the description of one kind of sensation in terms of another kind (as in “a delicious vision”)

Literature: Novel technques

Indirect discourse is a technique in which the narrator mimics the voice or thoughts of a character without actually quoting the character or using the character’s voice.

picaresque is the novel form used to describe journeys whose aim or destination is unclear from the outset. Tom Jones by Henry Fielding is a picaresque novel.

Fine Arts: Music
Beethoven describes his first movement of the 5th symphony as "Fate knocking on the door"

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